Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sleep More and Weigh Less!

Researchers have reported that woman who sleep 5 hours or less per night generally weigh more than women who sleep 7 hours or more per night.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average woman gets only six and a half hours of sleep per night. Chronic sleep deprivation can have a variety of effects on the metabolism and overall health.
Inadequate sleep:
  • interferes with the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates and causes high blood levels of glucose, which leads to higher insulin levels and greater body-fat storage.
  • drives down leptin levels, which causes the body to crave carbohydrates.
  • reduces levels of growth hormone--a protein that helps regulate the body's proportions of fat and muscle.
  • can lead to insulin resistance and contribute to increased risk of diabetes
  • can increase blood pressure
  • can increase the risk of heart disease
Even in young, healthy people, a sleep deficit of three to four hours a night over the course of a week has a triple-whammy effect on the body.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Body Bar® Boulder Based Company

The Body Bar® is the original weighted fitness bar introduced 1987. It’s encased in high quality rubber for a secure and comfortable grip. User friendly, cost effective and versatile, The Body Bar® can be found in over 20,000 clubs, personal training studios, physical therapy centers, spas, military bases, high schools, colleges and homes worldwide. 

Body Bar® is a local Boulder company.  Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a Body Bar® for your fitness regimen.  Here is a exercise wall chart to help you get started.  Download a Body Bar Exercise Chart

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Peanut Butter Energy Bombo

1- 1 3/4 jar peanut butter
1/2 cup powered milk
1 cup oatmeal (raw)
4 oz coconut flakes
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips ( or carob chips)
3/4 cup of chopped almonds
3/4 cup of roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds
1/2 cup flaxseed meal
1 cup almond meal

Mix all ingredients together (minus almond meal).  Dough is really thick!  Great way to work out your arms!  Form golf ball sized balls, roll in almond meal, wrap in 5x5 square of tin foil.  Refrigerate.

Thanks Chanda for the awesome recipe!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Eating Tips

Calories in vs. Calories out! It's back to basic science. Your body needs to have a deficit of calories in order to loose weight. It's not always as simple as an equation but basically 1lb = 3,500 calories. You do have to factor in your RMR- resting metabolic rate, thermal affect of food and your physical activity. This is why it's so important to exercise for long term results.

There are so many "diets" out there. Low carb, high carb etc. but it all comes down to calorie deficit, stabilizing the blood sugar to decrease insulin, smaller portions and exercise.

Eating Tips:
1. Natural State - Raw
2. Harder to Digest Foods - Low Glycemic
3. High in Fiber
4. Timing - every 3 hours
5. Avoid "white" Foods
6. Drink Sufficient Water

Food Deficiencies:
Nutrients are lacking in our foods. Now days hardly anyone has their own gardens and grow their own food anymore. Therefore, we have to rely on grocery stores for our produce. Our produce gets picked green and unfortunately isn't vine ripened so we loose a lot of the phytonutrients in our food. Then it's shipped to the grocery stores, gassed to get it's color and then we buy it. Just take a bite of a tomato from the grocery store and a tomato from a garden and notice the distinct difference in taste and texture.

We also have depleted soils. To get the same vitamin A from 2 peaches in the 1950's, today it will take 53 peaches! Even our food guide pyramids have changed the requirements from 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables to 13 servings a day. There are so many chemicals and toxins in our environment. Now there has been over 70,000 known toxins reported.
These use to be a convenience and now they are a necessity. The American Medical Association now recommends a multi-vitamin and have added it to the new food guide pyramid.

There are sooo many supplements out there how do you know what to take? Most multi-vitamins are synthetic especially the minerals. They are made from rocks and dirt and hard to assimilate by the body. It's very important to look for a food-based multi-vitamin.

It's important that we have vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, phytosterols (help balance endocrine system, antioxidants, essential amino acids and glyconutrients.

Research and development is important too. You want to find a company that does research not just by themselves but with universities and other third party affiliates. It's not a requirement so beware. Only 5% of the nutrition company actually do research.

Standardization is also critical. You want to know that exactly what is on the label is in each capsule or powder even if it is all natural and food based.


Fitness Tips

Health - moderate 30 min. - 5x/wk
vigorous 20 min. - 3x/wk
Weight loss - moderate 60 min. - 5x/wk

Weight Training
8-12 reps - 2x/wk 8-10 full body exercises

Pilates, Yoga, etc. - 2x/wk

Pilates focuses on strengthening and lengthening the muscles at the same time. It strengthens the "core" which consists of the body from the shoulders down to the mid thighs and all around. Pilates consists of dynamic moves that are performed on a mat or equipment designed by Joseph Pilates himself. If you are interested in pilates in the North Denver area click

Yoga is a great mind/body exercise that focuses on breathing, stretching and distressing the body. It consists of more static poses that you hold for a short period of time and the breath helps you deepen into your pose and increase flexibility.

Fitness Tips:
1. Prioritize - add to schedule (gym daycare, home at naptime, family affair)
2. Exercise with the time you have, not what you would like to have
3. If you miss exercise time, don't worry just do it the next day
4. Short bouts, alternate routines
5. Partners, exercise group or trainers help with accountability and FUN
6. Behavior modification one step at a time is key

We Only Have ONE Body

this lens's photoToday I want to talk to you about managing a healthy body not just today or tomorrow but for LIFE! We only are given ONE body to nurture and take care of. One vessel to move around and explore the earth.

Imagine you buy a brand new car! What do you do? You make sure that it has plenty of gas, oil, and other fluids. You keep an eye on the tire pressure, more gentle on the brakes and keep it clean inside and out. Have you just owned 1 car in your life, probably not. Depending on how long you've been driving you probably have had numerous cars yet look at how well we take care of our car compared to our body. We only have ONE body!

Times have changed and our world is so focused on eating more and more and moving less and less. When you get together with friends is it revolved around food? Social gathering, lunch, etc... Or do you go to the gym together or go for a power walk to vent?

Obesity is getting worse and now our children are affected as well. Two out of three people are overweight and one out of three are obese. Losing weight now days isn't just about our body image and wanting to lose a few pounds. Now you have to focus on your health! Hypertension increasing, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

This article isn't the fast answer or short time fix! Instead this article is about changing your lifestyle and focusing on behavior modification.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pilates Barre None - DVD and Barre

If you want quality fitness products at great prices come check out For coming to my site please use the code "GLYCO" and get an extra 10% off of any product.

Take your Pilates classes to a new level! Experience Pilates exercises in a variety of postures that will challenge your core strength, upper body stabilization, dynamic balance and overall flexibility.  The Pilates Barre  is a non weighted, hollow exercise bar.   Slastix covered tubing is attached to the ends of the bar that allow you to incorporate Pilates Tower and Reformer exercises into your Mat classes and routines.   The versatility of the Pilates Barre allows you to execute Pilates movements incorporating both the upper and lower extremities for a complete total body workout.

If you are interested in purchasing go to and put in the code "GLYCO" to receive 10% off of any purchases.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Importance of Taking Food Based Supplements

There are numerous benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.  First, they provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals.  The USDA recommends 9-13 servings a day and only 11% of our population even does that.  Fruits and vegetables aren't as nutrient dense as they use to be either.  Because of existing farming practices, chemical fertilizers, increased quantity needs, and accelerated ripening systems, nutrient loss occurs.  For example, in order to get the recommended amount of vitamin A in 1953 a woman would need to eat 2 peaches.  Today she would have to eat almost 53 peaches to gain the same benefit.  So even if you are in the 11% and eat 9-13 servings a day the nutrients are declining drastically.  Therefore, everyone could benefit from supplementing their diets with a vitamin and mineral supplement.

So without getting overwhelmed, which supplements do I choose?  Almost all vitamin and mineral supplements out there are made from synthetic ingredients which the body can't absorb as easily.  You might find some food based vitamins but then the minerals are still made from rocks and dirt.  Look for a vitamin and mineral supplement that is 100% made from whole food and is standardized so that you know what is printed on the label is exactly what you are getting in the bottle.  This will be the most bioavailable for your body and give you the best benefits.

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