Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Eating Tips

Calories in vs. Calories out! It's back to basic science. Your body needs to have a deficit of calories in order to loose weight. It's not always as simple as an equation but basically 1lb = 3,500 calories. You do have to factor in your RMR- resting metabolic rate, thermal affect of food and your physical activity. This is why it's so important to exercise for long term results.

There are so many "diets" out there. Low carb, high carb etc. but it all comes down to calorie deficit, stabilizing the blood sugar to decrease insulin, smaller portions and exercise.

Eating Tips:
1. Natural State - Raw
2. Harder to Digest Foods - Low Glycemic
3. High in Fiber
4. Timing - every 3 hours
5. Avoid "white" Foods
6. Drink Sufficient Water

Food Deficiencies:
Nutrients are lacking in our foods. Now days hardly anyone has their own gardens and grow their own food anymore. Therefore, we have to rely on grocery stores for our produce. Our produce gets picked green and unfortunately isn't vine ripened so we loose a lot of the phytonutrients in our food. Then it's shipped to the grocery stores, gassed to get it's color and then we buy it. Just take a bite of a tomato from the grocery store and a tomato from a garden and notice the distinct difference in taste and texture.

We also have depleted soils. To get the same vitamin A from 2 peaches in the 1950's, today it will take 53 peaches! Even our food guide pyramids have changed the requirements from 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables to 13 servings a day. There are so many chemicals and toxins in our environment. Now there has been over 70,000 known toxins reported.
These use to be a convenience and now they are a necessity. The American Medical Association now recommends a multi-vitamin and have added it to the new food guide pyramid.

There are sooo many supplements out there how do you know what to take? Most multi-vitamins are synthetic especially the minerals. They are made from rocks and dirt and hard to assimilate by the body. It's very important to look for a food-based multi-vitamin.

It's important that we have vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, phytosterols (help balance endocrine system, antioxidants, essential amino acids and glyconutrients.

Research and development is important too. You want to find a company that does research not just by themselves but with universities and other third party affiliates. It's not a requirement so beware. Only 5% of the nutrition company actually do research.

Standardization is also critical. You want to know that exactly what is on the label is in each capsule or powder even if it is all natural and food based.

1 comment:

  1. Great article Kerri. You are righ that there are very few companies that do their own research. I have taken Mannatech for years. Not only do they do their own research in house, but also in partnership with many universities world-wide, and they have third party validation. Great company, great products, awesome results.
